form a circle

美 [fɔːrm ə ˈsɜːrkl]英 [fɔːm ə ˈsɜːkl]
  • 形成圆形;围成一圈
form a circleform a circle
  1. Maybe we ought to form a circle and do it .


  2. Stand up and form a circle .


  3. To form a circle around ; surround .


  4. Every person is an arc , and the two who can form a circle are a couple .


  5. After the song , a male dance expert leads others to form a circle .


  6. Twist the wire to form a circle .


  7. Also , Americans often indicate OK with their thumb and forefinger touching to form a circle .


  8. Place the back of your hands on your knees , and form a circle with your index finger and thumb on both hands .


  9. Before every game , the coach would have all his players form a circle , put their hands inside and yell out , ' Team !


  10. The Chinese national flag and the American flag editing and change , make the LOGO form a circle of unity friendly mutual benefit performance trade philosophy .


  11. The Manual is prepared by the Quality Dept. reviewed by Management Representative and subject to approval from the General Manager . Join hands and form a circle .


  12. For example , a piece of nitinol wire bent to form a circle that is then heated and quenched will remember this shape .


  13. They then lay the blocks on their edges to form a circle , cutting them to size as they go , so that the end result will be a narrowing spiral .


  14. He did so because he knew the art of leading the army , that is , not to allow any leading cadre to form a circle and have a sphere of influence .


  15. First , the kernel ideal of the fast approximation algorithm is given as follows : An edge that possesses minimal weight is added if the added edge will not disobey degree-constraint and will not form a circle .


  16. A metal with a memory , it can be made to remember any shape into which it is fashioned , returning to that shape whenever it is heated . For example , a piece of nitinol wire bent to form a circle that is then heated and quenched will remember this shape .


  17. All the buildings have names and form a half circle .


  18. Riddick 's first move was to form a quality circle .


  19. At present , regional poverty and ecological degradation form a vicious circle .


  20. If necessary they can form a defensive circle .


  21. There is enough room for us to form a large circle , holding hands together .


  22. Harmonious labor relations can attract more foreign investment and form a virtuous circle .


  23. The bison form a defensive circle around their young ,


  24. The latter 's children will form a third circle of common husbands and wives ;


  25. In the long run , it will reduce the enthusiasm of teachers and form a vicious circle .


  26. Universities in our country did not establish an effective supervision and evaluation system or form a virtuous circle of internal accounting control .


  27. Each man and followed object form a small circle , a number of which link together to form a SNS Network .


  28. As the beginning and the end , life and death form a painful circle of which no one can jump out .


  29. Teresa : If some lives form a perfect circle others take shape in ways we cannot predict or always understand .


  30. Then indoor and outdoor communication , form a perfect circle , trying to hotel decoration color art to introduce new ideas .
